Travel from Budapest to Krakow

Rynek Glowny, Krakow

Compare different mode of transportation from Budapest, Hungary to Krakow, Poland. We did the list according to different modes, fares, total travelling times.

Bus from Budapest to Krakow

The cheapest way to travel from Budapest to Krakow. The buses are going a few times per day from the major bus station in Budapest (Nepliget), which is easy to access by underground (metro line 3) or taxi. The journey time is around 7 hours, so pretty long specially there are no big breaks along the way.

Budapest to Krakow by train

Hungarian state railways (MAV-Start) makes connnection by train to Krakow. There is a daytime connection and a night train. The daytime connection actually a few railcars only which connected to other train to go to Krakow. Starts at 8:40am, arrive around 6pm to Krakow Glowny station. The nighttrain is much more popular, as it is slow as the daytrain but you can save a night on the train. The sleepeing carriages are not new, but give you enought comfort for a night. Train departs at 7:20pm, arrives next morning 6:20am

Both stations are in the downtown so not more than 10-20min walk to the farest accommodation. No food or drink can be purchased on the train.

Wawel Castle, Krakow

Drive from Budapest to Krakow

You can think that it is easy, cheap to rent a car and drive to Krakow. The modern GPS can help you navigate, although you can run into hefty fines for this and that mostly in Slovakia, which can make the roadtrip more expensive. But what it makes one of the most expensive choice is the extra one way fee by the car rental companies as if you drop your car in Krakow, than you face with those one way extra charges.

Old Jewish part of Krakow

Private day tour from Budapest to Krakow

Rent a private car/van could be a good solution. Why is it better to rent a driver with a minibus rather rent and drive by yourself?

Like no need to worry about any damage, police fine as the driver and the company will handle

You can take a rest anytime or enjoy the scenery as no need to pay attention to road all the time.

Depart anytime, even overnight. So you can finish your party/late dinner in Budapest, than hit the road to Krakow.

Or you can stop and visit sights along the way in Slovakia or have a slovakian lunch, without paying extra.

See our offer for a Budapest to Krakow daytour for 320 €

Door-to-door shuttle

Eurobusways offers door-to-door rideshare shuttle from Budapest to Krakow.

Fastest way to Krakow in 6 hrs from door-to-door.

No taxi cost, no luggage rolling

Check out our rideshare from Budapest to Krakow from 60 €

Rynek Glowny, Krakow

Flight from Budapest to Krakow

LOT, the polish state airlines offers direct flight from Budapest airport to Krakow Balice airport. They use smaller planes, prices vary on day of travel. Flying time is only around 50min, but you should see the overall picture here. Going to airport a few hours earlier. Take taxi to airport. Take taxi from Krakow airport to your hotel. That is also takes time, which almost equial to the travel time of Rideshare shuttle.