Get from Rijeka, Optija to Budapest bus transfer

Rijeka, Croatia

Bus transfer from Rijeka (Fiume) to Budapest, Hungary Many things to discover and do in Budapest. Many must see sights in Budapest, nightlife, pubs, a busy and wonderful city is waiting for you. Pick up avaiable from Rijeka Airport, Lovran, Crkvenica for same fare also

Shuttle bus : 99 €

  • from door-to-door, we pick you at your hotel
  • clean, safe, airconditioned minibuses
  • comfortable ride, guaranteed seat
  • english speaking, professional driver
  • no luggage cost
  • fastest transfer
  • refreshment stop

Book your seat Now!

Timetable from Rijeka to Budapest

Departure time : 07:00am from Rijeka EST arrival to Budapest : 01:00pm

Travelling time depends on traffic, road conditions. It may vary according to actual customers demand.

Private bus transfer from Rijeka to Budapest 450 €

door to door private transfer, only you in the bus, english speaking driver, FREE stop in Zagreb or Ljubljana available, choose time of departure

How long does it take from Rijeka to Budapest?

Takes around 5 - 6 hours from door-to-door. Journey time heavily depends on traffic, border. Please notice, that bus can go through Zagreb or Ljubljana according to actual demand. Route through Ljubljana is longer about 1 hour.

Our bus transfer is much faster than train from Rijeka to Budapest, which takes 13 hrs.

Where is the pick up in Rijeka and drop off point in Budapest?

It is a door-to-door transfer, so nowhere to go. Pick you at your address in Rijeka or Rijkea airport and drop you at your hotel's door in Budapest. No taxi cost, no luggage hassle.

Returning a rental car at Rijeka Airport?

No problemo. Our bus can pick you at Rijeka Airport also for the same cost.

Book your hotel

Book your hotel in Rijeka

Book your hotel in Budapest

Booking, Payment, Cancellation

How to Pay? by bank transfer in advance or cash/card to driver

How to book? Please, by email or phone,whatsapp or text message

Cancellation, free to cancel until 24 hours (1 day) to departure

Reschedule, is free of charge if you notice us 2 days before original departure.

see refund policy

Passenger's rights and Terms

Passenger's rights in the EU and our Terms and Conditions.

by booking a seat through this website or by email/phone or any messenger service, you state, that you have read, understood and accepted Terms and Conditions.